Step 1. Get information to the leaders of your school.
In most cases this will be a Principal, Athletic Director, Board Member, or Superintendent. Let them know the people that support this effort and encourage them to seek more information. It is a strong message when administrators stand up and initiate proactive programs. Student drug testing works!
Step 2. Create a task force that will include the above-mentioned parties.
Invite a representative to come and speak about the pros and cons of drug testing. This is a great opportunity to utilize SPORT SAFE to ensure that your district gets the right information. This meeting can take place at any time and is free to your district. Create a list of questions and concerns.
Step 3. Draft a policy.
Policies are very consistent these days due to the recent Supreme Court Rulings. SPORT SAFE will send you a customized draft policy. You can also contact a school nearby that may be willing to share their efforts with you. The main points that you will discuss as a team are the purpose statement and response to a positive test. These areas are customized to fit your school’s needs and require a lot of attention. Your policy will revolve around two points; Deterrence and Intervention!
Step 4. Select a Vendor.
While policies are becoming consistent, drug testing methods are not. (add link to Drug testing methods page) Many companies are beginning to offer their services to schools and utilizing the same methods they use for corporate DOT tests. Other methods are now available which include saliva, sweat, hair, and urine on-site kits. While each of these methods have advantages, none compare to the industry standard of the laboratory-based urine testing. Do not be sold a device or laboratory, make an informed decision on what methods will work best for you! Contact your SPORT SAFE representative for a more detailed explanation of available methods.
Step 5. Present your program to the Board.
This is the most crucial stage of development because it requires a perfect blend of support and media attention. When you present your policy, be sure to have all of your supporters there to show the Board that this is the will of the community and not just a select few. Invite the media to be a part of the meeting so that your efforts will be amplified to the surrounding communities. Many schools like to ask the Board at an earlier stage for their blessing to ensure some support. You don’t want to work for a month on a policy and have it turned down later by the Board in a 7-0 vote. If necessary, your representative can be there to answer questions in front of the Board. Remember that most policies need time to pass through the Board so be sure to give them plenty of time in case they ask for revisions. If all goes well, you will have a sound program in place that will effectively deter the use of drugs and alcohol in your school.
Request a Quote
Need a company to manage your student drug testing program? Our prices are typically 30% lower than the local occupational health facility. Fill out the form below and a representative from SPORT SAFE will get you a quote to administer you program within 24 hours.